For about the last 4 years, I have been admiring these two plates proped on the mantel at a friend's house, all shiney, in shades of pink and white and blue. Every time I visit her, I just have to give them a stare (as if I'm window shopping or something) because they are gorgeous! Turns out they are reproduction oyster plates - a gift from a friend - from a well known home accessories line. Well, I'm not a big fan of oysters and I wasn't much of an antique shopper back then so I didn't even know there were special plates for oysters! Now that I'm older and wiser (ha!) I am well aware of these treasures and I love them. Only thing is, when you find the real deal...they are pricey!
So, although the month of July isn't a month with an "r" in it (for those of you who may not know, that is how you determine the best time to eat oysters), I am dedicating this post to some of the most beautiful oyster plates I've come across online. Note that I only browse online because there is no way I could ever shell out $1500 for a plate! I'll just admire from a distance...